ADA Template Website

A template website for ADA


ADA Template Website


  1. Fork (copy) this repository by clicking the “Fork” button on the top right corner.
  2. Go to “Settings” -> “Pages” in your forked repository. Under “Branch” change “None” to “master” and click “Save”.
  3. Edit the _config.yml file in your forked repository to change the site title (after title:) and description (after description:).
  4. Build your own page by editing this (home page) and creating new .md files (other pages), formatting is done with standard GitHub Markdown syntax, we provide an example file in the repository. Important: Please include --- layout: default --- (the first three line in at the beginning of your every newly created .md file.
  5. Add your new .md files to the site by editing the _config.yml file in your forked repository. Under navigation: add a new pair of - title: and url:, and fill their value with your page name and .md file name. Remember to remove the - title: and url: pair for the example page.
  6. Go back to “Settings” -> “Pages” to find your website link.